Keep Your Pivots Running Smoothly with GearLife XL Lube
Are you looking for an alternative to standard gearbox oil?
Effective Irrigation Management Boosts Soybean Yields
The correct amount of water at the right time is essential for producing high soybean yields.
Five Things to Include in Your Pre-Season Maintenance Check
From planters to tractors, growers have a lot of pre-season equipment checks to complete.
Five Things to Consider When Designing a Center Pivot System
You’ve made the decision to invest in a center pivot irrigation system… now what?
Lindsay’s AIMS Telemetry Network Shaped Future Innovations
The technology that powers many of today’s smart irrigation systems was little more than a great idea thirty years ago.
Effective Irrigation Management Maximizes Corn Yields
From establishment to harvest, effective water management is important at each stage of corn growth.
Washington Potato Grower Irrigates with Precision
When Washington potato grower Wes Boorman reviews his yield maps, one thing stands out.
Idaho Grower Solves Tracking Troubles with Radial Tires
Like most irrigators, Idaho grower Tom Faulkner is always looking for ways to help his center pivots operate more efficiently.
Early Innovations Helped Make Pivot Irrigation More Efficient and Affordable
Shortly after the first Zimmatic pivot was installed, nearly 50 years ago, Lindsay engineers began working to make center pivot irrigation more efficient and affordable.